Tuesday 21 August 2018

Boyne Berries 24 Launch

Micéal Kearney

Boyne Berries 24 will be launched on Thursday, 04th October, 2018 at 8 p.m. in The Castle Arch Hotel, Trim, Co. Meath by poet Miceál Kearney.

Miceál Kearney, 38, lives in the West of Ireland. He began writing in 2001 and he has had poems and short-stories published in Ireland, the U.K and worldwide either in print or online. He read as part of Poetry Ireland’s Introduction Series, ’09. Miceál has published 2 poetry collections; Inheritance (Doire Press,‘08) and The Inexperienced Midwife (Arlen House,‘16) And 3 of his plays have been staged with a 4th in production.

Boyne Berries, published by the Boyne Writers Group, is edited by poet Orla Fay, copy-edited by poet Frances Browne and features cover design by poet and illustrator Rory O’Sullivan.

Boyne Berries 24 features work by Brian Kirk, Eamonn Lynskey, Kate Ennals, Gráinne Daly, Arthur Broomfield, David Butler, Oliver Mort, Paul McCarrick, Peter Farrelly, Tomas McGuinness, Emma McKervey, Peter Nolan, Miceál Kearney, Bernie Crawford, Polly Richardson, Eithne Cavanagh, Deirdre McClay, Peadar O’Donoghue, Camillus John, Jane Blanchard, Frank Murphy, Anthony Wade, Steve Wade, Keith Fitzsimons, John Davies, Mike Gallagher, Pam Muller, Mel White and Caroline Carey Finn.

Entry to the launch is free and all are welcome. Contributors to the magazine will read on the night and copies of the magazine will be available to purchase.