Saturday, 3 March 2018

Boyne Berries 23 Update

The twenty-third issue of Boyne Berries Magazine, the bi-annual magazine of the Boyne Writers Group is currently under production. This issue is edited by Orla Fay, copy-edited by Frances Browne and will feature cover design by Rory O’Sullivan. This Spring issue will be released in April. Boyne Berries 24 is also being prepared for a late September date.

Boyne Berries was previously edited by poet Michael Farry, and featured one guest editor, the poet Kate Dempsey. The magazine has been in circulation since 2007 and the group looks forward to its 25th edition next year.

Boyne Berries 23 will feature work by Anne Walsh Donnelly, Wiltrud Dull, Fiona Perry, Rachel Coventry, Derek Coyle, Patrick Chapman, Sara Mullen, Diarmuid Fitzgerald, Jack Little, Michael Durack, Audrey Molloy, John Conroy, Brendan Carey Kinnane, Jean O’Brien, Noelle Lynskey, Honor Duff, Christine Broe, John Noonan, Carolyne Van Der Meer, Frank McGivney, Sinéad Mac Devitt, Conor Kelly, Bayveen O’Connell, Ana Spehar, Edward Lee, J.A. Sutherland, Cathal Ennis, Teresa Godfrey, Lorraine Bennett, Olivia Fitzsimons, Caroline Carey Finn.

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