Thursday 30 April 2020

Boyne Berries 28 - The Covid Issue

Boyne Writers Group marked Poetry Ireland Day 2020 in these remarkable times by compiling a special digital issue of their magazine Boyne Berries. The magazine was launched on 30 April 2020 and is available free as a pdf download. Poems had to adhere to the theme chosen by Poetry Ireland for that day: “There will be time.”

From the Editor's Foreword:

Poetry Ireland asked us to consider the notion that ‘There will be time’ and we responded with a wonderful wave of poetry, a tsunami as great as that off Kanagawa, spilling on the shores of that universe, the heart, in foams of cherry blossom words.

In this pandemic we seek each other out at a distance. The Dog of Technology has its day. What is important, health, family, friendship and the natural world have come to be our pillows. The writers, the musicians and the dreamers arrive to save our souls and raise our spirits.

We stand on the shoulders of giants shooting arrows of hope, pulled back to go further forward to a better future, as Venus glimmers in the evening sky. We are in this together.

It has been an honour to edit this online issue of Boyne Berries which is intended to be a beacon in darkness. Thank you to all the contributors.

Is mise, le meas,   Orla

Rachel Coventry reads her poem from this issue:

Michael Farry reads his poem from this issue:

Sinéad MacDevitt reads her poem from this issue:

Friday 3 April 2020

Poetry Ireland Day 2020 - Boyne Berries: The Covid Issue

Boyne Writers Group intends to mark Poetry Ireland Day 2020 in these remarkable times by compiling a special online issue of their magazine Boyne Berries. The magazine will be launched on 30 April 2020 and be available free, as a pdf download only.

Poets are invited to submit one poem only each to the editor, Orla Fay, who will choose in the region of 30 poems for the issue. Poems should adhere to the theme chosen by Poetry Ireland, “There will be time.” More information on their website. 

Poems should be no more than 40 lines long, use Times New Roman 12 and single spacing and be previously unpublished. Please include a short biographical note, which should be 50 words or less. If longer, all text after 50 words will be omitted. 

Submissions should be placed in the body of the email and attached as a word document. Submissions will be accepted until midnight on Sunday 19 April to only.